Do I need Building Approval?

A Building Approval (BA) in QLD is required for certain developments and construction. It is separate from Council Approval. Not only do plans need to be assessed and approved by a Private Certifier, the construction also needs to be assessed and approved. This is to ensure that the design and the construction complies with the  Building Act 1975, National Construction Code (NCC), Queensland Development Code (QDC)  and relevant Australian Standards. Building Designers (although not all) are well ascertained with these documents and can ensure a smooth approval process. 

Some examples of when you would require a BA are:

  • Structural modifications affecting more than 20% of the same type of structural component.
  • A new house.
  • Raising the height of a building.
  • A retaining wall over 1m.
  • A  fence over 2m.
  • A deck over 10m² or 1m or more above the ground or any side longer than 5m or with a roof.
  • Demolishing a building (other than a Class 10) in whole or partly.
  • A shed more than 10m² or higher than 2.4m.
  • A pool.

Once the BA Plans are complete they are submitted for approval to a Private Certifier, when the certifier is happy that the plans comply with the regulatory requirements  you will get the go ahead to start construction. During the construction there will be certain stages where an inspection by a 'competent person' will need to be done. Such as the pouring of concrete footings and slabs, completion of framing and a final inspection. In order to receive your final approval, certificates must be provided to your certifier of various parts of the construction, such as waterproofing, framing, footings, etc.

To get started on your building approval contact us today